Faith in Christ Fellowship jobs

Chadwicks, New York

About Faith in Christ Fellowship

A loving family best describes our small congregation of between 60-80 people. The church was formed 23 years ago and has had 4 pastors in its history, with the previous pastor serving the church for 18 of the 23 years. We hired our new Senior Pastor in 2020 and are excited about his vision for the church. Like every church, we have our problems. We are an aging congregation and thus the reason for hiring an Associate Pastor to help us target younger people. We are an Elder Led, Reformed, Conservative, Family Oriented church. Our Elder’s adhere to the 1689 Confession of Faith but the congregational doctrinal statement is not the 1689 Confession, yet is reformed in nature. We are proudly a member of the G3 church network, Founders Ministries, and the Central New York Baptist Association. While we do cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention in some ways, we do not desire to be affiliated with them in all areas because of our deeply held theological convictions. We affirm the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, The Statement on Social Justice and The Gospel, The Chicago Statement on Inerrancy, and the Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality. 

Open Positions

Chadwicks, New York


Church Size